Young faith-filled Catholics transformed in body, mind, heart and soul on fire for Christ
To build young disciples, strong in faith, in love with Christ and his Gospel and generous in serving their brothers and sisters Catholic Youth Office
RC Belmont Pastoral Campus
34b Belmont Circular Road
Port of Spain
235-5529 Ext 283
Facebook: Catholic Youth Commission – T&T
Instagram: @rcytt
Episcopal Delegate for Youth – Taresa Best Downes
Episcopal Delegate for Youth
Taresa Best Downes
Programme Coordinator
Adanna Wallace
Campus Ministry Administrator
Cylma Homer
Outreach & Training Officer
Matthew Hall
UWI Chaplain
Sr. Sandra Xavier, OP
UTT Ministry
Youth ministry is the Church’s outreach to young people, providing them with opportunities to grow in faith, leadership, and service. It aims to nurture their spiritual, emotional, and social development by creating a supportive community that reflects Christ’s love. Ministering to youth—typically defined as ages 11 to 35 years—requires recognizing the unique needs at each stage, from early adolescence to young adulthood.
Ministry in early adolescence focuses on self-discovery and connection with peers and discovering how to express a personal relationship with God, while late adolescence involves deeper exploration of faith and purpose.
Early young adulthood ministry includes providing supportive spaces for persons 19 – 26 years to manage their transition into the workforce or higher education and helping youth discern their vocation. Ministry to late young adulthood often involves acknowledging greater responsibilities in career and family life, calling for ongoing spiritual support and a desire for increased autonomy.
In 2003 the Archdiocese of Port of Spain adopted the Comprehensive Youth Ministry Model as the standard for ministering to and with youth. It takes a holistic approach to these stages, addressing the diverse needs of youth through various programs, activities, and experiences. It integrates ministry within the family, parish, and wider community, ensuring that youth are fully engaged in the life and mission of the Church.
The Office of Youth Ministry is the department of the Curia which coordinates adolescent ministry, young adult ministry and campus Ministry at every level of the archdiocese. They provide services to parishes, archdiocesan groups and support the work of the wider archdiocese