Emmaus Retreat Centre
Torrecilla, Arima
Tel: 667-3576
Fax: 664-0115
Email: emmauscentre@yahoo.com
Sr Grace Ramlakhan, Superior
Sr Patrice Simmons
Sr Magdalen Fields
Providence Convent
146 Belmont Circular Road, Belmont
Tel: 624-5100
Sr Vertly Neptune, Superior
Sr Mary Jean Ayow
Sr Vanesa Manzano
St Joseph Convent (Port of Spain)
53 Pembroke Street, Port of Spain
Tel: 627-1775
Email: caribsjc@gmail.com
Sr Maureen Alexander, Provincial Superior
Tel: 624-7764 Fax: 624-5424
Sr Dorothy Daniel
Sr Lorraine Joseph
Sr Ruth Montrichard
Sr Regina Leiba
Sr Reina Loe Sack Sioe
Sr Angela Moran (ireland)
St Joseph’s Convent Novitiate (Arouca)
Eastern Main Road, Arouca
Tel: 642-4881
Fax: 646 9080
Sr Ivy Pacheo, Superior
Sr Philip Geofroy
St Joseph’s Convent (St Joseph)
Richmond Street, St Joseph
Tel: 662-2885
Sr Alicson Hudlin, Superior
Sr Juliana Alexander
St Joseph’s Convent (San Fernando)
1 McLean Drive, Retrench Village
Cross Crossing, San Fernando
Tel: 653-8954
Sr Annette Chow, Superior
Sr Genevieve Baptiste
Sr Odette Wharfe
St Joseph’s Convent (Tobago)
Cuyler Street, Scarborough
Tel: 635-1925
Sr Phyllis Wharfe, Superior
Sr Rose Mary Carvalho
GRENADA (St Georges)
Tel: 473-440-3758
Sr Anne Keens Douglas, Superior
Sr Lucy Gabriel
Sr Hazel Alphonse
Sr Mary Ann de Shong
GRENADA (St Andrews)
Tel: 473-442-7004
Sr Paula Andrew, Superior
Sr Gabrielle Mason
St Marcelle Lum Chow
Sr Jean Carriman
Sr Hazel Alexander
ST LUCIA (Castries)
Tel: 758-452-5778
Sr Rufina Donat
Sr Claire Joseph
Sr Dieon McCoy
ST VINCENT (Kingstown)
Tel: 784-456-1534
Sr Jacinta Wallace, Superior
Sr Augustine Quarless
Sr Esther Maharaj
Sr Martha Sebastien
DOMINICA (Porthsmouth)
Tel: 767-265-2731 / 767-614-7242
Sr Rose Leon, Superior
Sr Marlene Valmond
Lourdes House (Retired Sisters)
Walter Lane, Arouca
Tel: 692-2030
Sr Barbara Soondar, Superior
Sr Theodore Winter
Sr Pia Maria Babb
Sr Bernard Ng Fan
Sr Gertrude Tang Kai
Sr Jeanne Williams
Sr Dominic Savio Walrond
Sr Maria Clarke
Sr Raphael Chandleur