By Sharon Syriac The marriage of theology and theatre stunned an audience on Saturday, November 16 during the Archdiocesan Synod Gathering 3 at Macoya, when 750 […]
By Fr Donald Chambers Despite the numerous challenges faced on lengthy journeys, invaluable treasures await. One of these journeys for me was the Camino de Santiago […]
By Fr Donald Chambers It’s a widely accepted sociological principle that ideas profoundly influence behaviour. Our idea of God, for example, is inherited from our families, […]
By Fr Donald Chambers In a reflection to the bishops of the Antilles Episcopal Conference, Sr Julie Marie Peters SSM distinguished between “change” and “transformation”. She […]
By Fr Donald Chambers Fr Donald Chambers of the Archdiocese of Kingston, Jamaica is the General Secretary of the Antilles Episcopal Conference. “By the conclusion…everyone had […]
By Fr Donald Chambers “Friendship flourishes when we dare to share our doubts and seek the truth together” —Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP, Friendship, Synod Assembly 2023. […]
By Fr Donald Chambers I have travelled on public transportation in different countries, and my experiences have ranged from dangerous to hilarious. In Jamaica, for example, […]