
June 30, 2021

Sisters in Health: Sr Alicson walks in the footsteps of Jesus’ healing ministry

Sr Alicson Hudlin SJ loves nursing. Her enthusiasm for helping people has not dimmed through the many decades of service nor the Covid-19 pandemic. She considers […]
December 23, 2020

Special Christmas Q&A with our nuns

Confession time!!! When I was young, everyone thought I would become a nun when I got older, even me. I spent some of my early years […]
May 3, 2019

Let’s go ‘Sisters Can Cook V’

The Sisters of St Dominic’s Children’s Home are ready to serve the fifth edition of their inclusive cook-out ‘Sisters Can Cook 5’ on May 18, at […]
May 10, 2017

Nun by profession, journalist by occupation

Sr Marie Thérèse Rètout OP whose name is synonymous with ‘Parish Beat’ was a reporter with the Catholic News for about 19 years. During this time her feature articles told the story of parishes in Trinidad and Tobago, University of the West Indies, Dominican sisters in Trinidad, and assignments took her to islands in the Caribbean and beyond.