How to join the Journey

  • Engage in daily readings from Matthew Kelly’s Book 33 Days to Eucharistic Glory
  • Tune in to our daily video reflections on Matthew Kelly’s Daily Readings and Benediction. Available via Trinity TV 6pm daily &
  • Follow our weekly program on Trinity TV – a conversation about Eucharistic devotion and testimonies from different perspectives.
  • Gather with family, friends in parishes, faith communities and homes once a week to discuss the readings of the week
  • Consecration Day (Sunday, April 28)– Feast of Corpus Christi (Thursday, May 30) – Consecrations to be held in the Parish and Community events celebrating the Feast.
  1. Find a quiet place
  2. Read the reflection
  3. Ponder the one idea that struck you most from the reading for a few minutes.
  4. Pray the Spiritual Communion.
  5. Look for opportunities to adopt the virtue of the day amidst your daily activities.
  6. Have a great day!

Patrons for our journey!

The Holy Family

We take the Holy Family as our patrons for our consecration journey because it is in the hidden life of Joseph and Mary in Nazareth that the life of worship of Jesus Christ began. On conceiving of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary’s body was the first tabernacle for the Incarnate Lord. At the birth of Jesus both Joseph and Mary became models for Eucharistic Exposition and adoration. They were the first to see the face of God in the flesh. We too are called to see the living face of Jesus in the Eucharist. Joseph and Mary had to constantly look beyond the ordinary appearance of the baby Jesus, the teenager Jesus, the adult Jesus to the mystery of his divinity. They lovingly adored this great mystery entrusted to their care. Today we too must do the same. We must look beyond the appearance of the consecrated bread and wine to see with faith the mystery of the Risen Christ. May Saints Joseph and Mary help us on our journey to a greater faith in the Eucharistic Jesus.

St Martin de Porres

St Martin de Porres is known to be the wonder-worker of Lima, Peru. The Holy Spirit dwelt powerfully in this Dominican lay brother. Many experienced miraculous healings through his prayers and ministry. One of the great miracles in Martin’s own life was his forgiveness against so many injustices committed against him. There were two secrets to Martin’s great holiness. The first secret of Martin’s life was his devotion to our Blessed Mother through the Holy Rosary. Through the Holy Rosary Martin contemplated the mysteries of Jesus’ life. This devotion burned in his heart a longing for the bread of life where he would taste the power of Christ’s mysteries. Hence, the second secret was his powerful love of the Holy Eucharist. It is said he spent eight hours a day in prayer before the Eucharistic Jesus. It is from his time of adoration that he grew strength to become the apostle of charity towards the poor and abandoned in Lima. His many hours given to Jesus were in fact the secret of his life given to so many. On our journey to Eucharistic consecration may St. Martin not only help us find the face of Jesus in the Eucharist but also in the poor and in our neighbour.

St Charbel

Considered as the flower of Lebanon, St. Charbel was a hermit known for his profound Eucharistic love. He spent many hours a day in adoration of the Eucharistic Lord. Many times, other hermits would see him levitating in prayer before the tabernacle, his soul so longed for Christ. His life dedicated to prayer and penance speaks to the primacy of Christ in all our Christian lives. Our patron St. Charbel spent many hours preparing for Mass and in thanksgiving after Mass. As a result, we implore him in a special way to help us all prepare more worthily for Mass and to learn to spend time in Holy Communion thanksgiving in the Church after Mass has ended. May he help us fix our eyes on the Eucharistic Jesus.

St Mary Magdalene

St Mary Magdalene is known as the ‘apostle to the apostles’ because she announces the mystery of the Risen Christ to the apostles and disciples. She is a model for our encounters with the Risen Eucharistic Lord which sends us on mission to call others to Jesus in the tabernacle. St. Mary Magdalene’s life also is a sign of our contemplative prayer before the Risen Jesus in adoration. Just as she ‘wasted’ the nard on Jesus we too are called to ‘waste’ the nard of our own lives on Christ in silent adoration before his Eucharistic presence. What more precious thing can we give Christ than this time in silent prayer? May St. Mary Magdalene help us make a ‘holy waste’ of our lives in Holy Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. Like her may we run from the tabernacle saying “I have seen the Lord.”

La Divina Pastora 

Our Consecration journey is also under the guidance of La Divina Pastora, Mary Mother of the Divine Shepherd Jesus. Catholics trace the statue’s origin to the Capuchin Catholic order which came to Trinidad through Venezuela in the mid-18th century, and whose special patroness was proclaimed to be La Divina Pastora by Pope Pius VI in 1795. Given the special place La Divina Pastora has in our local Catholic history we turn to her to help us guide our whole Eucharistic journey. May she bring us close to her son Jesus in the Eucharist. There, let us drink at the fountain of all grace.