Sex, silence and the Church. Have we failed? By Fr Robert Christo Vicar for Communications Growing up in St James, I knew what it meant to be raised by a village. Our street--no more than...
Sex, silence and the Church. Have we failed?

Am I a Jubilee tourist or pilgrim? by Fr Robert Christo, Vicar for Communications The Jubilee Year is here—a holy opportunity to encounter God in profound ways. But let’s take a moment to...
Am I a Jubilee tourist or pilgrim?

I chose Life N Mohammed This personal testimony reflects the writer's journey as an unmarried mother within the Church. It challenges us to reflect on how we embody Christ's...
I chose Life

Jubilee pilgrimages — more than getting your passport stamped By Lara Pickford-Gordon snrwriter.camsel@catholictt.org The inability to get a Pilgrim Passport in some parishes or just a matter of convenience has resulted in people going to get...
Jubilee pilgrimages — more than getting your passport stamped

Early surge of pilgrimages to Jubilee sacred sites Pilgrimages to sacred sites are well underway in the Archdiocese. Some parishes have advanced bookings up to the first quarter and one parish reported registration...