- Basic Doctrine – To explore the teachings of our faith in areas of liturgy, the Sacraments and the Real Presence.
- Catechetics – To help catechists improve their skills in preparing candidates for sacraments.
- Church Art – To prepare banners and posters for use in liturgy.
- Creative Expression: Drama – To use drama to enhance liturgy.
- Homilies / Preaching – To develop good methods for those involved in giving homilies.
- Lectio Divina – To interpret the Word of God through personal experiences.
- Liturgical Dance – To enhance liturgy by creative movement.
- Music Composition – To compose music for the new Missal
- Principles of Liturgy: Music – To use music to enhance liturgy
- Principles of Liturgy: Rites – To plan and celebrate good liturgy.
- Youth Liturgies – To plan creative liturgies for young people.