Liturgy School 2012 focusses on Baptism and Confirmation – July 1
Liturgy School 2012 through its theme , Moments of Grace, will be focussing on the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation with the following morning lectures:
1. The Notion of ‘Sacrament’ : The Sacramental System or ‘Economy’ 2. Baptism and Confirmation in the Bible, 3. Theology and Liturgy of Baptism: RCIA; Infant Baptism, 4. Parish Renewal Programme modelled on RCIA, 5. Panel on Pastoral Issues related to Infant Baptism, First Confession, First Communion, 6. Christian Initiation in other Christian Churches, 7. Theological Reflection on Folk Traditions related to Infant Baptism, 8. Confirmation (“Sacrament in search of a Theology?”), 9. Panel on Pastoral Issues related to Confirmation.
This course will be of special interest to those in the parishes who are engaged in the ministries of R.C.I.A. and Catechetics. Others who are not specially engaged in these ministries will find that the information given will be very beneficial to their spirituality and in reinforcing their Catholic moral and spiritual values. Added to this is the afternoon workshops which concentrate on a variety of interests and talents and will give an impetus to your spiritual development.
As accommodation is limited and acceptance is on a first come first served basis you are advised to apply as soon as possible. Application forms have already been sent to the parishes and parish priests are urged to take advantage of this opportunity for their parish leaders to upgrade their information on the sacraments.
Liturgy School highlights moments of grace – May 27
For the year 2012 those who attend Liturgy School will benefit of lectures and discussions on a very interesting theme. Moments of Grace – Year 1 sacraments of Initiation has been chosen as the subject upon which the lecturers will focus. This is a very wide topic so for this year the centre of attention will be on the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Those who are engaged in catechetical programmes in the various parishes are especially urged to take advantage of this opportunity to deepen their knowledge of this subject. It is expected that this year’s school will be of great help to all who would like to know more about these sacraments.
Forms have been sent to the parishes and those wishing to participate are urged to apply as soon as possible as space is limited. The School runs from Monday July 30th to Saturday August 4th and day classes will be held at St Joseph Convent, St Joseph, while accommodation will be at the Seminary. We look forward to your participation.
Regular attendee passes away – March 11
The members of the Liturgy School planning committee were shocked to hear of the passing of one of our most faithful members, Andy Albert. He died suddenly on Carnival Monday morning and was buried the following Friday. Andy was a regular attendee at Liturgy School and was known for his very pleasant personality and his generosity of time and talent. He was of great assistance in the choir and in Mass preparation.
We express condolences to his family and would like them to know that he will be greatly missed and we shall pray for his eternal rest.
May he rest in peace
Liturgy School starts July 30 – March 11
Liturgy School 2012 takes place as usual during the first week of August. The dates are Monday, July 30 to Saturday, August 4. Day classes will be held at St Joseph’s Convent, St Joseph and accommodation will be at the Seminary and the Retreat House. Registration forms will be sent to the parishes in the near future and a notice will be published in this paper when they are available. Remember acceptance is on a first come first served basis so register early. We look forward to seeing you this year. Look out for the theme for this year’s school in our next notice.