March 17, 1959
In 2005 and 2006, he was awarded the City Day Award (City of Port of Spain); and the Alexander B Chapman Award 2006 from the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee for the promotion of the Olympic ideals of using sports to promote peace. He also won the Motorola Community Policing Award 2006, a Caribbean-wide award of the region’s police commissioners for community initiatives that partner with the police, and bring peace to communities.
He lectured in the Department of Theology at the Seminary of St John Vianney and the Uganda Martyrs, as well as for other courses: Caribbean History, Social Ethics, Media, and Caribbean Technology. He was also a member of the Catholic Commission for Social Justice, the Archdiocesan Communications Commission and Vicar of Administration for the Archdiocese of Port of Spin (2006–2011).
He is a member of Jubilee 2000, an international ecumenical consortium that seeks justice through debt forgiveness on behalf of the world’s most indebted nations (D20), and continues to be a member of the Living Water Community. Archbishop Gordon is currently the Vice-President of the Antilles Episcopal Conference of Bishops and the Chair of their Communications Commission.
2014 / 2015
He also presented a paper for the CARIFESTA XIII Symposium in August 2017 addressing the ‘Challenge and Opportunities of Technology to the Caribbean Culture and Identity’. He was subsequently installed as the Archbishop of Port of Spain on December 27, 2017.
March 17, 1959
Stanley & Rose Mary Gordon
Age at Time of Priestly Ordination
Year of Priestly Ordination
Episcopal Ordination Date
September 21, 2011
Conversations with Archbishop J
The promise of a New Covenant
Q: Archbishop J, why covenant? Part 2 Last week, we traced the covenants from creation, Noah, Abraham, Moses and David. Interestingly, with each successive covenant, the […]
I have made a covenant with my chosen…’
Q: Archbishop J, why covenant? At the Mass to bless the new altar last week at St Joseph, a lady told me: “Archbishop, please write on […]
Hope, and God’s Word
Q: Archbishop J, why a Sunday of the Word of God? At the end of the Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Francis designated the third Sunday in […]
If I were Spiritual Director for T&T…
Q: Archbishop J, how would you proceed if someone asked you to be the Spiritual Director to T&T? Spiritual direction is an extremely specific discipline and […]
The superpower from God that we all need right now
Q: Archbishop J, what is hope? Hope is often confused with optimism. One is a divine gift and the other a human trait. Optimism is the […]
Jubilee 2025 – a year of grace, forgiveness & hope
Q: Archbishop J, what is a Jubilee Year? Pope Francis, Bishop of Rome, has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year for the Catholic Church, also known as […]
The Nativity through Joseph’s eyes—a meditation
While meditating before the Blessed Sacrament, I found myself truly present in Bethlehem, among Joseph, Mary, and the Child Jesus. There, Joseph shared his story with […]
Hope – a vital theological virtue
Q: Archbishop J, what does ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ mean? The papal document for the Jubilee Year begins with the phrase: “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5). […]