Monday February 3rd: Our Inner Demons
February 3, 2025
Wednesday February 5th: Buh A A, who he feel he is?
February 5, 2025

Tuesday February 4th: Don’t be afraid, just believe!

Are you desperate enough to believe?

Mark 5: 21-43

Jairus was a public leader in the synagogue and knew all the negative things that were being said about Jesus including the scheming and plotting against Him. Jairus knew the risk he was taking but, in his desperation to save his daughter, he abandoned all pride and self-respect; humbling himself to the dust at Jesus’s feet, believing that Jesus could do the impossible.
The same is true for the woman with the haemorrhage. Twelve long and arduous years she suffered, trying everything that medicine and money could afford. Her courage in approaching Jesus also came from a place of desperation.
We do not have to wait for desperation to reach out to God. Unfortunately, many times God is not our first option.
Lord, from today, help us to accept your gift of Holy Love that humbles us and gives us the courage to seek You first and always. Let us be desperate only for You.