“Quiet be still!”
Mark 4:35-41
Today’s Gospel reading is full of opportunities for deep thought and reflection. Mark creates the scenario that it was evening time, the end of a long day for Jesus and the disciples. We know the feelings we experience after a long day. We just want to get to the other side, our bed, perhaps. But instead of rest we are called to deal with new storms. How do we react? For me it might be frustration, panic, why me Lord? And so on. Very often wondering where is Jesus.
The disciples were afraid, asking if He did not care if they drown. Jesus’s calm response to the storm. “Quiet be still!” He is saying the same things daily to the storms in our lives, no matter how much they rage. It is for us to be aware and have the faith and hope that He is not asleep. There is a local saying, ‘God wears pajamas but is not asleep’. Thanks be to God.
The closing message is that having a personal relationship with Christ allows us to always appreciate His presence.