I chose Life
January 30, 2025
Am I a Jubilee tourist or pilgrim?
January 31, 2025

Friday January 31st: Bearing fruit

Greatness often begins small – a kind word, a prayer, an act of forgiveness.

Mark 4:26-34

Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to seeds. Seeds are simple, small, and often overlooked, yet they are full of life and hold immense potential.

The first parable says, the Kingdom of God is like seed scattered on the ground. The seed grows in secret. Beneath the soil they germinate and then grow and bear. This hidden life of the seed reflects how God works in us. A lot happens in secret — in quiet prayer, in silent faith struggles, and in ordinary, daily routines.

The second parable says, a mustard seed is the smallest seed but when planted it becomes a huge tree, reminding us that no matter how small our faith, actions, or gifts may seem, they hold enormous potential. Greatness often begins small – a kind word, a prayer, an act of forgiveness. These are like seeds which can grow, multiply and transform us.

Seeds cannot remain dormant. Their purpose is to grow and bear fruit. Similarly, disciples cannot remain inactive or passive. Their purpose is to bear fruit.