‘Nothing kept secret except to be brought to light’
Mark 4:21-25
Jesus, the Light of the world, came to illuminate the darkness in our souls, things buried deep within, hidden even from our own consciousness.
Many times, in the past when I did not yet know the Light, I believed that my life was private and secret. The darkness was a well-kept secret, hidden deep within my soul, never to be revisited or to be disclosed to anyone.
But as the light illumined the darkness, it uncovered hidden treasures and secret talents that needed to shine forth from my soul.
Jesus, Light of the world, in your mercy and kindness you dispelled the darkness and you awakened in me secret treasures and talents which were buried deep within.
Lord, I pray that those treasures and talents shine forth and illuminate all the arears of my life and flow to all those that I encounter.
Lord, thank you for choosing me and calling me out of darkness into your wonderful light.