“And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, would fall down before him and shout, ‘You are the Son of God!’
Mark 3: 7-12
Jesus entered this world as a light for us, to which many were drawn. His light can be seen in those who allow him to shine through. At times, crowds may be attracted to the light of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. The thing about crowds, however, is how unpredictable and fickle they can be. We ought to also remember the presence of unclean spirits among the crowds who too are able to recognize the light within us. It would be naive of us to presume that we are capable of managing the crowds of our lives by our own strength.
Sometimes withdrawing, like Jesus did, is necessary for us to ensure that our focus remains on the will of the Father and not on our own desires. Fasting, mortification and adoration help to strip us of self and fill us with the graces needed to allow him to continue to do his work in us, and through us.
Jesus, Light of the world shine brightly through us today. Amen.