Monday January 20th: Open to Possibilities
January 20, 2025
Wednesday January 22nd: Redirect Your Energy
January 22, 2025

Tuesday January 21st: Persons are Priority

Then he said to them, “The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath”

Mark 2: 23-28

Today’s scripture reminds us that laws and systems are not more important than human need. Whatever regulation we put in place should always be to lead us and others back to God’s love and to experience it in a deeper way.

In fact, all God’s laws, including keeping the Sabbath, serve our well-being and not, as Jesus said, the other way around. They are not by chance but are gifts from God intended to make us become better versions of ourselves. They call us to be merciful and compassionate when necessary.

Some years ago, a woman came to me in church and asked me for some financial assistance. We were having challenges with persons begging after masses. As I helped her, a parishioner severely embarrassed both of us. At that point, I really didn’t see a street person (and she was not), but a mother seeking help. I saw a woman in need. There are always exceptions to rules, especially when there is a human condition.

Holy Spirit teach us wisdom!