“They have no wine.”
John 2:1-11
Have you ever been in an embarrassing or distressing situation – stuck between a rock and a hard place and you believe that this is truly the end of you? In today’s gospel the young, hopeful couple, their whole lives ahead of them, found themselves in such a situation when the wine ran out.
However, because of the presence of Jesus and His mother, accompanying them on their vocation journey, their circumstance was turned around immediately. Indeed, Mary and Jesus are the best partners to have on a vocation journey.
Mary was so attentive to their needs, and to yours as well. She is interested and invested in what happens to you and for you. Mary pleaded on their behalf and her intercession was most powerful, since Jesus did not think it was his hour. However, she convinced him that the time had indeed come. Let her help you to cooperate in obedience with the grace of Christ Jesus, so that the best and beautiful realities will happen for you in His time.