‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid. ‘
Mark 6: 45-52
It was evening time and Jesus was not with his disciples. It was at that time that the winds were against them, and they were worn out with rowing. It was then that Jesus appeared to them, and they thought it was a ghost.
There are times in our lives when everything seems to be working against us. We feel to give up. But yet it is at those times that hope appears, and so often we are not aware.
It may be a good friend or a member of the family, a cleric or religious, someone who can give us counsel and, like the disciples, we think it is a ghost. When we have faith, we realize that it is Jesus who is coming in human form and he tells us, ‘Courage! It is I! Do not be afraid.”
Lord, give me the faith to always recognize you in my sisters and brothers.