Divinity has clothed Himself in humanity so that all of humanity can share in His divinity!
John 1:1-18
As we come to the end of the year, today’s Gospel passage has brought into focus for us the need to be renewed . John tells of the Incarnation, The Word made flesh dwelling among us. In this dispensation, The Word, present from the beginning, through the generosity of a God who is love, in a great act of love, re-enters to renew, redeem and reclaim all of mankind and indeed the cosmos. Divinity has clothed Himself in humanity so that all of humanity can share in His divinity!
Thank you, God and Father, for this awesome privilege. Let us never take it for granted. Be enfleshed in us Jesus, our Saviour, so that our lives will bear witness to you. From your fullness we have received grace in return for grace. Yet, we have messed up.
We ask forgiveness for the times during this past year when our lives did not speak for the light. Holy Spirit, live in us so that we may point others to the true light that enlightens men. Amen.