The Holy Family of Jesus
Today’s Gospel reinforces the importance of building good habits.
Luke 2:41-52
Jesus spent 30 years learning to obey his earthly parents in small and big things so that He could obey His heavenly Father unto the cross. He accompanied them to Jerusalem “every” year for 12 years and learnt faithfulness to the practice of faith. As He approached adulthood, He engaged the elders and official teachers of the faith on scripture.
When chastised by His earthly parents, Jesus reminded them that He had a mission beyond the boundaries of home. Yet, he went home with them and “submitted” to their rule. For 18 years more, Jesus studied and grew in “wisdom, stature and favour with God and men”. Thus, the self-emptying which began at His conception was repeated daily until its culmination in His self-emptying on the cross.
We, made in the image and likeness of God must emulate Jesus’ humility, subjecting ourselves to the best teachings of family, church, and education. As we celebrate the “Finding of Jesus in the Temple”, may the habits of our lives allow Jesus to be found in the “Temples” of our churches, families, schools, and hearts. Once found, may we glorify, adore, and acclaim Him as Emmanuel…God-with-us!