Feast of St Stephen
“You will be universally hated on account of my name; but anyone who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
Matthew 10:17-22
Indeed, the word of God will not pass away. Jesus’ words were as follows, “You will be hated by men on account of my name.” The first martyr, St Stephen, was an example of Jesus’ prophecy.
Stephen was a follower of Jesus. (Acts 6:8-9). He was filled with grace and power and began to work miracles and great signs. The Holy Spirit was speaking through Stephen when he preached. He preached in the name of Jesus, so he was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin.
False witnesses made up a story that Stephen said that Jesus was going to destroy the Holy Place and alter the traditions that Moses had handed down to them. Following this Stephen was condemned and stoned to death.
Can we accept death for standing up for for Jesus’ words, for following Jesus, for preaching in his name, for proclaiming the name of Jesus when we are forbidden to do so?
Let us ask Jesus to strengthen us for we cannot stand on our own.