Let us be bearers of God’s light and good news, living examples of belief in the fulfillment of God’s promises.
Luke 1:67-79
Hopefully, we would have experienced periods of silent reflection during the Advent season, much like Zechariah’s period of divine silence, for it is in stillness that God’s voice is often clearest.
Today however, Zechariah bursts out in songs of thanksgiving in what we refer to as The Canticle of Zechariah, The Benedictus, a prayer of praise and redemption. A song filled with hope and celebration of the fulfillment of God’s faithfulness and promises.
Today also marks the opening of the 2025 Jubilee as declared by our Holy Father: A period of hope for a suffering world. Let us pray for the graces needed to become true pilgrims of hope, while continuing to draw inspiration from the story of Zechariah. Let us be bearers of God’s light and good news, living examples of belief in the fulfillment of God’s promises, A Benedictus way. As we continue to prepare for his second coming, may he guide our feet into the way of peace.