“Blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled”
Luke 1:39-45
As we contemplate the final words of Elizabeth’s greeting (Luke 1:45) we should ask, “What about me? Do I believe the things the Lord has said to me in scripture about, being his disciples and following his way?”
We, too, are called like Mary to trust that whatever God said will be fulfilled in our lives. This calls for faith. Mary walked in faith as she had to wait until the promise of Angel Gabriel was fulfilled. We too, must trust that the word of God will come to pass in our lives.
When we look at situations in our lives or those of our family with our human eyes, we don’t see what God is doing. We need God’s glasses! Without them, we see little or no changes. When we see them through the word of God, the promises of Jesus, we begin to see changes and the word of God being fulfilled.
We too must believe that what the Lord has said to us, shall be fulfilled.