“Who gave you this authority?”
Matthew 21:23-27
Throughout his life, Jesus spoke and acted with authority, for he believed he had God’s support and endorsement. He displayed God’s authority when he threw out the moneychangers and vendors from the Temple because they were allowed to violate the space given for prayer. However, the chief priests and elders who oversaw the Temple questioned this authority.
Knowing their motivation, Jesus did not dismiss them but challenged them to choose whether John’s authority to baptize was human or divine. By doing this, Jesus highlighted their own lack of authority to question him for they could not answer his question. Whatever they chose would have shown them in a negative light in the eyes of Jesus and the people. They did not dare to say what they believed so they said nothing.
In the face of situations like these when put to the test as those religious leaders were, we pray we may be honest enough to stand up for what we believe even if we are seen negatively. Amen.