“And all the people asked him, ‘What must we do then?’”
Luke 3:10-18
In today’s Gospel, various groups ask John the Baptist what they must do. He answered – be charitable, just, grateful, and most of all – no intimidation or extortion. As we joyfully await the celebration of the coming of our Saviour, John’s message should resonate with us – giving us much to think about.
Are we grateful for the jobs that we have, no matter how much or how little our renumeration package is? Are we grateful for the vocation we have been called to no matter the challenges? Do we seek to be just in the living out of this vocation – not cheating and cutting corners or giving half-hearted effort because we feel unappreciated or that the job is unrewarding? And if we feel so discontented within ourselves because of the challenges of our station in life, do we take this out on others, making them as miserable as we are?
As we make our journey to Christmas, we are called to make a journey towards conversion. Let us think about what we must do and ask Christ to help us do it.