Go and search out that lost one.
Matthew 18: 12-14
As a catechist, a parent, a grandparent, a teacher or maybe a manager or supervisor at work, this Gospel will speak to you today. When one of those in your care seems to be lost, struggling, going against the flow of things, going against the teaching and guidance you impart, you seek out that one; you seek to bring them back into the fold. You see, that one stray could cause one of the others in your care to stray too. It is necessary – both for the straying one and for the good of the whole – to go in search of that one lost sheep.
God has put others in your charge, and it is His will that none be lost, therefore we have a duty out of love, to leave the ninety-nine happily grazing and go to meet that lost one where he or she is at. The gospel promises joy in finding them – the joy that comes with that dawning and realisation of another’s need. Take courage and go and search out that lost one.