The Lay Ecclesial Life of Cassie Schemmel
December 6, 2024
Saturday December 7th: Mentor and Messiah
December 7, 2024

Saturday December 7th: Mentor and Messiah

“…but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

Matthew 9: 35–10:1, 5a, 6-8

The passage moves from Jesus’ Ministry to that of His disciples, it focuses on Jesus followed by the disciples as a unit, and lastly, the twelve apostles.

Jesus’s compassion for the harassed, depressed, and those without direction is evident and unmatched. He makes provision for us when we wander off, because the truth be told there is that time when we may drift to worldly encounters. He sees, then, as sheep without a shepherd.

This provision comes in the form of bestowing authority to His disciples not only to speak up and proclaim that the Kingdon is at hand, but also to heal, restore, cleanse, and destroy what is not of Him.

As such, let us utilize this blessed season of Advent to ask ourselves:
• What role do I have in helping those in need?
• How can my community exercise compassion in active ways?
• What are the needs of the people in my community?