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Tortuga’s ‘Ministry Day’ a success

The Parish of Tortuga hosted its first-ever ‘Ministry Day’ at the Sacred Heart RC Church in Gasparillo, on November 17.

Parishioner Janet Chinnia came up with the idea and it was well received by our Parish Priest Fr Shijo Abraham MSFS, and he chose a team of four persons to spearhead this project. The members of this team were Deacon Ian Bourne, his son Michael, Chinnia and Natalie George-Williams.

The theme suitably chosen was taken from 2 Timothy 1: 6 – Fan into a flame the gifts God gave you. The purpose of this Ministry Day was to educate and enlighten people about the 15 ministries in our parish and encourage people not yet in a ministry to join one or more of them.

These ministries are–Catechists, Lay Ministers, Men’s Ministry, Evangelization, Altar Servers, Youth Ministry, Society of St Vincent de Paul, Music Ministry, Shrine Committee, Family Life Unit, Children’s Ministry, Extra Ordinary Ministers, Legion of Mary, Lectors, and Hospitality.

The day started with Holy Mass and directly after, we had our feature address by our dynamic, spirit-filled Winston Garcia. We listened intently to his testimony about God restoring him to life after his accident, working in his ministries, pleading with us to love God and to put Him first in our lives.

After his talk, we were invited to refresh ourselves by indulging in a fruit snack and water. We then viewed a video on a large screen which was a collaboration of short three-minute videos submitted by each ministry. It was truly informative and interesting to watch.

Following this video, we were invited to visit the various booths where we could receive even more information and sign up to join a new Ministry.

I was happy that many people attended, and I hope and pray that they would have signed up to give of their time, talent, and treasure to labour with love in our Father’s vineyard. This event was truly a success.

—Natalie George-Williams