‘my servant is lying at home paralysed, and in great pain’
Matthew 8: 5 – 11
Covid has popularized the phrase ‘we may be sailing the same ocean, but we are not all in the same boat’. And while every good catholic strives to be the centurion, with such great faith that even Jesus would be astonished. Sometimes, I feel more like the paralysed servant, depending and waiting on the intercession of someone more faithful.
Intercession is more than just an ‘ask’ of God it is an act of love. We may think our intercession for others will work only if we say enough prayers or say the right ones, but the power of intercessory prayer lies in the love we put into the prayer and the love of God who hears them.
Today I pray for those that are overburdened and struggling. Particularly, their intercessors, that they may have the faith of the centurion, that Jesus will see their loved ones through.