Saturday November 30th: Follow me
November 30, 2024
Monday December 2nd: Intercessors
December 2, 2024

Sunday December 1st: Pilgrims longing for our true home

“Look up, hold your head high! Your redemption is drawing near.”

Luke 21:25-28, 34-36

The Advent season which precedes Christmas and Epiphany reminds us that we are a pilgrim people, aliens, and exiles in this age who long for our true home with God in his heavenly kingdom, and who await with joyful hope the return of the Lord Jesus at the end of the age.
When will the Lord Jesus come again? No one but the Father in heaven knows the day. But it is a certain fact that we are living in the end times, the close of this present age! The end times begin with the first coming of Jesus Christ (his Incarnation which we celebrate at Christmas and Epiphany) and culminates in his final return on the Day of Judgment.
Lord Jesus, may I never lose sight of the signs of your presence in my life and the signs of your action in the world today. Free me from spiritual dullness, indifference, and every distraction that would keep me from you. May I never tire of listening to your word, seeking you in prayer, and longing for your return in glory. (Don Schwager).