Sunday November 24th: What have you done?
November 24, 2024
Tuesday November 26th: Do not follow them…
November 26, 2024

Monday November 25th: Meaning of Sacrifice

Sacrifice…to make holy.

Luke 21: 1-4

Today’s gospel provides an opportunity for us to reflect on the nature of our own hearts. See, what Jesus has taught us time and time again is that love is a decision we make, not a feeling. Love is willfully sacrificing ourselves for the sake of others.

The poor woman in today’s gospel shows us that the value of her sacrifice is total surrender; she is giving up all she has and not just from her surplus. She demonstrates total detachment from self and a total trust and dependency on the will of God.

Sacrifice, it’s a good thing. The word itself is derived from two Latin words: “sacer” means holy or sacred, and “facere” means to make or to do. Sacrifice…to make holy. Have we forgotten the inclination to make holy our love for others and our Lord? May Jesus help us find our way back to His cross, the ultimate sacrifice.