“… but she in her poverty has put in everything she possessed; all she had to live on.”
Mark 12: 38-44
Is pride yuh have. It could choke yuh. Is vanity too. Like people always should bow to you. Just see the blue lights flashing and clear the way. You so vain; ah bet yuh think this song is about you.
The only thing you have is what you give away. All your possessions will go to rack and ruin. To have is an opportunity to give. Giving is an act of worship that demonstrates our trust in God; it is sacrificial generosity as we give up something valuable and precious for the sake of others. It is the sacrament of communion. It is a belief that others like us are from God and belong to him. We are part of God
The poor widow giving her mite, giving all she had to live on, demonstrates a deep trust in humanity. Humanity and God are one. Jesus is both fully God and fully man. The deeper you dig in giving; the greater your belief that all giving will be returned one hundred-fold