Tuesday November 5th: I accept Your invitation
November 5, 2024
Poem: You are an Impacter
November 6, 2024

Wednesday November 6th: No salvation without the Cross

This is our hope: that those who follow Christ shall be rewarded with eternal life.

Luke 14: 25-33

Even after renouncing all we hold dear, yes even our very selves, justice demands a sentence, but we become heirs to His Glory by accepting the cross He offers-this is the Father’s Will.
Renouncing all still does not balance the scale, for we cannot barter our salvation. To carry the cross, we must first accept that all comes from the hand of our benevolent Father if we walk in His ways.
The cross Jesus gives is meant to lift us up and unite us to Himself. Accepting the cross in faith brings joy and gives strength to the soul.
If we do not lift our gaze upward to Calvary, we will exclaim that discipleship is impossible.
Rest O soul if you must, but do not give up, for “eye has not seen, nor ear heard what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him!”