Friday October 25th: Reordering priorities
October 25, 2024
Sunday October 27th: Sight restored
October 27, 2024

Saturday October 26th: An invitation to repent

“Unless you repent, you will all perish as they did.”

Luke 13: 1-9

Jesus refers to the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with that of the sacrifices.
Using the parable of “the barren fig tree,” Jesus wants to help us repent. The fig tree refers to us. The owner represents God the father. The man who looked after the vineyard, refers to Jesus who asks the owner to allow one year in which he would dig around the tree and manure it. If the tree bears no fruit after this, then the owner can cut it down.

Digging around us will be painful, but it will loosen up the past hurts and enemies that we do not want to forgive. Bad experiences may have stagnated our growth and production. Then Jesus will feed us with the manure or grace to repent and be healed, so that we may bear fruit instead of judging others by their tragic death.