Tuesday October 22nd: Guarding the Light
October 22, 2024
Criteria for an authentic Eucharist
October 23, 2024

Wednesday October 23rd: Each day your last!

We must be ready, faithful, and prudent servants.

Luke 12: 39-48

Growing up I always heard the phrase “live each day as it is your last” and interpreted it quite literally. I would hastily rush around making what I thought were epic memories. Thanks to the grace of God for clarity!

If we are called to a higher purpose, to be saints and to spend eternity in heaven with our Master, we must remember to deny ourselves daily and pick up our crosses over and over again. We must have forgiving hearts filled with the love of God. We must seek His will and always pray for the courage to cooperate with a life that is pleasing to Him, especially when no one is looking. We must be ready, faithful, and prudent servants.

What a joy our souls would experience should the unexpected day meet us prepared for the coming of our Lord! But woe to us should we be found drunk, ill prepared and unwilling, for we will be assigned seats with the unfaithful.