Sunday October 20th: Places of honour
October 20, 2024
Go and invite everyone to the banquet
October 22, 2024

Monday October 21st: It all belongs to God!

“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life is being demanded of you.”

Luke 12: 13-21

We should bring our family daily, in prayer, before God. Yet today’s Gospel is asking us to take a closer look at what exactly we are asking God to do when it comes to our family. Do we find our family miserly? As such do we demand from God that they be generous? Do we find our family, individualistic, and as such we demand from God that they share more with those in need? Are we asking God to change our family to suit us?

Yet God is telling us to work for what will last. Work for the greatest treasure of all…love. for it is with our family, the domestic church, that we see our first spiritual crops. And the more family members we show love to, the bigger our barn of spiritual gifts will grow. If “this very night your life is being demanded of you”, can we turn to our family and find the treasures of love that you have left?

May the Holy Spirit guide us. Amen.