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Friday October 18th: The universal mission of the church

Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist.

“But look, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.”

Luke 10: 1 – 9

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist. St. Luke played a vital role in the early Church, both as a writer of the Gospel and a participant in announcing the Good News. His focus was on those often overlooked — Gentiles, the poor, women, and sinners — showing Jesus’ deep compassion for all people.

In the Gospel passage, Jesus sending out the seventy-two, reflects the universal mission of the Church to reach out to everyone; a mission St. Luke embraced wholeheartedly. Luke not only accompanied St. Paul but also documented the positive impact of the Gospel in the lives of many people and places.

Today we are reminded that we are among the seventy-two with a mission to evangelize. We do this through our words, our actions, or simply by living the Gospel faithfully. Like St. Luke, we are called to use our unique talents in service of the Kingdom of God, trusting that God can work through us to reach those in need of His grace and love.