Give up everything and follow love.
Mark 10: 17-30
Love will save you. Keep all your eggs in one basket-full of love. Let love be your guiding star. Nothing else matters because love will teach you everything; and satisfy all your needs.
Consider that household that puts away all the cookery and silverware for that occasion when love comes. Hide away your Sunday-best for that day that never comes, and the clothes gets too small. And you settle for the lesser of yourself, waiting.
Don’t stick; leave everything and go after love. Walk with love; sing with love; encounter yourself for the first time; take yourself off the shelf; your lovely self that you had abandoned all these years; dust yourself and dance as you always wanted to; let love play the music and keep the beat. Feast with love.
‘I didn’t know Ma had so much silver ware and crockery. Hmmm! The awaited guest never showed-up.’ You are the special guest. You are love. You are the universe. You are the greatest project ever; don’t stick; don’t wait on love.
‘Give yuh gold bera to your girl child.’