Jesus taught us…
Luke 11:1-4
In the Gospel today Jesus taught us the Our Father prayer which also shows us a method of prayer. ‘Father may your name be held holy’ reminds us to begin our prayer acknowledging the holy name of God, worshiping, and praising Him. He is our Father. ‘Your kingdom come’ helps us to align our will to the will of the Father. We are asking that God’s perfect will be accomplished in our lives.
‘Give us each day our daily bread.’This line allows us to acknowledge that tomorrow is promised to no-one. We ask our Provider daily, for our needs to be met. ‘Forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive each one who is in debt to us.’ We clear away the cloud of unknowing that our sins and unforgiveness of others create. God commands us to love one another but without forgiveness, this is impossible. ‘And do not put us to the test.’ We follow the lead of God in all our trials.
Thank you, Jesus, for teaching us this prayer and this method of praying.