Sunday October 6th: Bound together by Divine Love
October 6, 2024
Tuesday October 8th: Depths of Love
October 8, 2024

Monday October 7th: Why Did the Priest Cross the Road?

“Which of these three, do you think, proved himself a neighbour to the man who fell into the bandit’s hand?”

Luke 10:25-37

Hands down this is one of the best and most memorable stories ever written!

Our familiarity with it may lead us to gloss over it. We are challenged on many levels: how we must be inclusive of everyone as our neighbour; how religious people can ignore human needs while the most rejected respond positively. It acts as a reminder that many suffer from the cruelty of others, it is an account of not noticing human violence and abuse under our noses.

It is primarily an invitation to respond to all human needs positively

Let us ask ourselves: what makes me cross the road? What makes me avoid some people in need? Who might they be? I pray today that I may identify any blocks in myself that cause me to ignore or belittle others’ needs. Amen