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Friday October 4th: True Dicipleship

St Francis of Assisi

“Alas for you, Chorazin! Alas for you, Bethsaida!…”

Luke 10: 13 – 16

Jesus spoke very harshly to Chorazin and Bethsaida because they were fortunate to witness His teachings and miracles but were not moved by them. Their failure to repent was not due to a lack of evidence or witness, but rather a hardness of heart and unwillingness to change.

One of the striking aspects of Jesus’ ministry is His unwavering commitment to the standard He sets for disciples. He does not lower the bar or make it easier, instead He insists on disciples measuring up to His expectations.

True discipleship is not a burden, rather it transforms a person causing them to embrace the radical reordering of priorities, values, and lives in favour of the kingdom of God.

True discipleship is grounded in love. Love makes us go the extra mile, give generously, and make sacrifices for the sake of God and others. Jesus calls us to true discipleship. We cannot be like Chorazin and Bethsaida and close ears and hearts to His call or make ourselves more important than the kingdom of God.