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Celebrating togetherness

The Parish of Tortuga Sports and Family Day 2024 was held on Sunday September 29 at the Ben Lomond Recreation Ground in Williamsville.

From early in the morning members of the Tortuga Parish Men’s Group were out on the grounds making sure everything was in place.

The day began with Holy Mass celebrated by Parish Priest Fr Shijo Abraham assisted by Deacon Ian Bourne. Addressing the congregation resplendent in their teams colours of red, green and blue, Fr Abraham, in his homily, told his listeners that the occasion presented an opportunity to celebrate their togetherness as a parish and to get to know each other.

“We have come from different communities and many of us, sad to say, do not know each other although we belong to the same parish. And so it is occasions like this, should make us go beyond to let go of our own selfishness, our own individuality and celebrate our togetherness today”, said Fr Abraham.

After a ten-minute break and under a blistering hot tropical sun, the day’s activities began with not a march past but a praise past. That was followed by the playing of the National Anthem on the national instrument, the steelpan by nine-year old Adelaide Bisnath, and an opening prayer by Chelsea Devett.

And then the games began with proceedings being called to order by Master of ceremonies, Keigan Bharat.

—A parishioner

Photos: Elmo Griffith