Sunday September 15th: In His image and likeness
September 15, 2024
Monday September 16th: Faith
September 16, 2024

The Seven Sorrows of Mary explained

The Seven Sorrows of Mary, also known as the Seven Dolors, are significant events in the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary that highlight her deep suffering and compassion as the mother of Jesus. These sorrows are:

· The Prophecy of Simeon

· The Flight into Egypt, where she fled to protect her Son from Herod’s decree.

· The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple, when she searched for Him for three days.

· The Meeting of Mary and Jesus on the Way to Calvary, where she saw Him carrying His cross.

· The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus, where she stood at the foot of the cross.

· The Body of Jesus being taken down from the cross, where she held her dead Son.

· The Burial of Jesus, when He was laid in the tomb

The commemoration of these sorrows is observed on two specific days: the Friday before Palm Sunday and the third Sunday in September. The latter date is particularly significant as it is celebrated as the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, which was formally established by a provincial synod in Cologne in 1413. This feast was originally intended to address the sorrow of Mary during the Crucifixion and was later extended to the Latin Church by Pope Pius VII in 1814.

The devotion to the Seven Sorrows emphasises Mary’s role in the Passion of Christ, reflecting her profound suffering and compassion, which is seen as a participation in the redemptive work of her Son25. The practice of honouring these sorrows has developed over centuries, with various pious exercises and prayers associated with them, particularly in the context of popular piety and liturgical celebrations.

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