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Winston Garcia’s second chance at life

In the face of tragedy, some find strength. In despair, some discover hope. And in the shadow of death, some are granted a second chance at life.

This is the extraordinary story of Winston Garcia, co-founder of the People of Praise community, whose near-death experience transformed not just his body, but his very soul. He recounted his experience at Living Water Community’s Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, August 28.

On April 24, 2024, what began as a routine drive up ‘Praise Mountain’ for a community retreat centre project turned into a life-altering event.

As Garcia navigated the winding road, an unexpected voice in his mind posed a chilling question: “If this vehicle fails while you’re going up the hill, what you going to do?”

Ever prepared, he mentally responded that he would jam on the brakes. The voice persisted, “If the brakes failed, what you’re going to do?” Garcia’s quick thinking provided an answer – he would reverse into the embankment to prevent a catastrophic descent.

Mere seconds later, this hypothetical scenario became a terrifying reality. Garcia recounted the heart-stopping moment: “Not even 20 seconds after those thoughts came to my mind, the same thing happened. The vehicle failed. I jammed down on the brakes. The brakes were depending on the engine. The brakes failed.”

In that split second, Garcia’s earlier mental preparation kicked in. He pulled the vehicle into the embankment, but the momentum was too great. The vehicle began to tumble, with Garcia and four others inside.

He described the surreal experience: “It was like an eternity. You did not know where up was, where down was, where side was. You didn’t even have time. I didn’t even have the time to pray, to say anything. This thing was happening so fast.”

The world spun around Garcia as the vehicle rolled over and over. In those moments of chaos, he wasn’t even aware of any sounds. The next thing he knew, “the vehicle stopped. And the last thing I remember is the vehicle on top of me, and it’s dragging me on my stomach on the roadway, coming to a halt.”

His companions, fearing the worst, struggled to free him from the wreckage. The aftermath was shocking. Garcia learned later that he had been partially ejected from the vehicle. “Half of your body was outside of the vehicle, and the other half was inside of the vehicle, and the top of the door was on top of your back,” a witness told him. The situation was dire –Garcia was unresponsive, not breathing, his tongue on the road, and his eyes half-open and unmoving.

But in those moments between life and death, Garcia experienced something profound. He described being surrounded by “blue and white lights” that were “alive,” “comforting,” and “consoling.” These lights, invisible to others, stayed with him throughout his ordeal, offering solace in his darkest hour.

Even more remarkably, Garcia saw visions of saints, including St Anthony of Padua, whom he later recognised from images. “It was so real,” he says. “I just wept that when I was in my darkest hour, God sent his friends to console me. We are never alone.”

Garcia’s injuries were severe – 18 broken and fractured ribs, a lacerated liver, and multiple other traumas. Yet, against all odds, he began to recover at an astonishing rate, spending only ten days in the hospital. “Doctors were astonished at how quickly I was recuperating,” he shared.

This brush with death has profoundly changed Garcia’s outlook on life. “I have a second chance at life,” he declared. “I was a dead man… But God raised me up. God shot me up from the ground and gave me another chance to complete the work that I have started.”

Now, Garcia is embracing a renewed sense of purpose. “My whole life has now been transformed. I am striving after holiness. I am more deeply rooted now in prayer,” he explained. His experience has also brought his family closer together, strengthening bonds of love and appreciation for each moment they share.

Garcia’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the preciousness of life and the unexpected ways in which we can find meaning in our struggles. It challenges us to consider our own lives – are we living with purpose? Are we embracing each day as the gift it truly is?

As Garcia eloquently put it, “I want you to know that those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.” His journey from the brink of death back to vibrant life stands as a testament to the power of faith, the strength of the human spirit, and the mysterious ways in which the universe can transform our darkest moments into opportunities for growth and renewal.

Despite the horrific nature of the accident, Garcia said that he never felt afraid. He attributed this supernatural calm to divine intervention: “Not for one moment I felt afraid. Not because I am this brave person, but because God’s grace was with me. God Himself was with me.”

Winston Garcia is a parishioner of Santa Rosa RC, Arima.