St Monica
“Blind Pharisee! Clean the inside of cup and dish first so that it, and the outside, are both clean.”
Matthew 23:23-26
Jesus calls the scribes and Pharisees ‘hypocrites’ because they are blind to the most important and godly practices of law, justice, mercy and good faith. Instead, they pay attention to the minute details of giving ten percent of tiny plants and herbs.
Jesus is not against their tithing, but prefers that they pay and show attention to practising justice, mercy and compassion to others. He accuses them of being like white-washed tombs…full of dead men’s bones. Bones have no feelings.
“You clean the outside of the cup….and leave the inside full of extortion and intemperance,” Jesus scolded. His advice is to clean the inside of the cup and dish first. His message for them is also relevant for us today.
If we are to be true followers of Jesus what interior work do we have to do? What is there on the inside that we must rid ourselves of to avoid being called ‘hypocrites.’?
Lord, help us see ourselves as you see us and give us the grace to change. Amen.