Our Lady, Mother and Queen
“We should desire to be changed into the image and likeness of His Son”
Matthew 22:1-14
The clothing debate continues to rage in local Catholic churches. “Render thy hearts and not thy garments,” the terrible misquotation of Joel 2:13, is the catchphrase of many who say don’t judge; at least they, the guests in questionable attire, are coming to Mass; they are at the wedding feast.
I think it is less about dress code, less about judgement and more about spiritual maturity. Even the unexpected, the unlikely and the last-minute guests have guidelines to follow. God welcomes us as we are, but we are not to use that as an excuse to do whatever we like. Because He loves us too much to leave us as we are.
The King noticed the errant guest because he stood out from the others. This world may prize uniqueness and individuality, but Heaven’s mirror is Jesus Christ. Ultimately, we should desire to be changed into the image and likeness of God’s Son. As we grow, how we live, and move and yes, how we dress, should reflect Him whom we follow.