Saturday August 10th: Bearing abundant fruit
August 10, 2024
Monday August 12th: For peace’s sake
August 12, 2024

Sunday August 11th: At one with the Master

You are bread; go out and nourish those in need.

John 6:41-51

After the plant-shutdown, he supported five hurting families with groceries, for a long time. This brought him great joy. Hmmm, but great pain too. He carried their suffering deep in his heart.

One day, he sat down by a bar in Marabella and began to chat, as some men do when they need comfort. And with the small group around the table, with bottles clicking and music from the club across the road, with the shuffle of sandals on the pavement outside and a gentle breeze from the south, he felt a spiritual grounding with the families he was supporting; and he said slowly, “I am the bread of life, that come down from heaven.’’ Ouch! He wanted to take back the words as tension rose around the table. “I am the bread of WHAT!!!” they exclaimed …..and they all left him high and dry.

But he didn’t mind, he was at peace. For the first time he felt at one with the Master. His both arms spreadeagle across the backrest of the seat reminded him he is always nourished by the wood of the cross.