Friday August 9th: Eternity, our priority
August 9, 2024
Sunday August 11th: At one with the Master
August 11, 2024

Saturday August 10th: Bearing abundant fruit

Feast of St Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr

“Unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain, but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest.”

John 12: 24-26

This Gospel passage reminds us that if we consider ourselves to be believers in Christ and followers of Christ, we will have to die continuously to ourselves in order to do God’s Will. But that does not mean that we are to live lives of despair.

In fact, quite the opposite, if we remove our self-centeredness and humbly put Christ first, then our lives will be fruitful and meaningful, not empty and meaningless. Our lives – symbolized by the grain of wheat – will not only bear fruit but will bring forth abundant fruit because we have died to ourselves and centered our lives in Jesus Christ. When we do so, we experience a rich spirituality. It is a principle that some persons cannot understand. A special Grace is needed.

Allow God’s Will to take precedence in your life and see how your life will be transformed.

Lord Jesus, help us to become fruitful grains of wheat and bear nourishing fruit. Amen.