Sunday August 4th: ‘Soul’ Food
August 4, 2024
Tuesday August 6th: Moments of Enlightenment
August 6, 2024

Monday August 5th: Spiritual Leprosy

‘There is no need for them to go: give them something to eat yourselves.’

Mathew 14:13-21

Most, if not all we encounter, even amongst our own family and friends, bear the burden of affliction.
Do we, like the disciples, build a case to send them away? A week, a month, a year…but no more, we say…Why can’t you get your act together by now?!
“Do not send them away!” Jesus pleads with us.
He asks us to offer what we have; He will multiply and make up for all that is lacking in us. Jesus desires to heal and deliver His own.
Jesus passed the blessing to the disciples so they can be the vessels of grace, so too Jesus looks to us. Christ has no body now but ours. Our hands are what He uses to do good.
When did we do good, we ask. He replies…when you fed me, clothed me and visited Me in prison.
Lord Jesus, heal me of spiritual leprosy which prevents me from wanting to walk the arduous road with others. Amen.