Saturday August 3rd: Lessons in human behaviour
August 3, 2024
Monday August 5th: Spiritual Leprosy
August 5, 2024

Sunday August 4th: ‘Soul’ Food

‘No one who comes to me will ever hunger; no one who believes in me will ever thirst’.

John 6: 24-35

We become what we eat, we are told. And so, ‘low-carb, gluten-free, high in antioxidant foods’ are some of the things being touted today as ideal for healthy bodies. So, what about food for the soul?

Today Jesus declares, “I am the Bread of Life”. Whenever we sit at the Eucharistic table Jesus gives Himself, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity as food for the soul. This meal ensures sustenance, endurance and motivation to become more like Him, as we continue on our spiritual journey to that eternal banquet.

This phenomenal gift of Himself also provides companionship and the assurance that we are not forgotten during times of crisis. Our everyday problems may loom larger than life: Failing health, relational issues, loss of jobs will take their toll. Global crises and natural disasters may wreak havoc; but none, none of these can quench the indomitable spirit of one who feeds, in faith, on the Bread of Life.

Lord Jesus, give us food for the soul so that we will never hunger or thirst.