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Thursday August 1st: Separating good from evil

“He passed from thence”

Matthew 13:47-53

Jesus’ teaching today is about the Kingdom of Heaven. He explains how the good will be separated from the bad, using the analogy of fishermen casting their nets, and all kinds of fish are hauled in. However, they must separate the good from the others as they cast the latter back into the sea.
What is the message for us? We all would like to be on the chosen list, but how can we be sure to make it? Living in a world with so many complexities, trials and challenges it is never easy to keep our heads above water. We can, by trusting God, seeking to live good lives through constant prayer, attendance at Mass, Adoration, and other spiritual exercises, reaching out to others for support but also giving in return. I have found over the years that giving to others in need surely helps.
Matthew tells us that at the end of this parable “He passed from thence”.
That should suggest to us we must stop, assess where we are and seek to focus on what has to be done to qualify.